VMware vSphere with Tanzu - Deploy, Configure, Manage (VMVKDM)

During this 3-day course, you focus on deploying and managing VMware vSphere® with Kubernetes. You learn about how vSphere with Kubernetes can be used to orchestrate the delivery of Kubernetes
Fabrikant: VMware
Artikelnummer voorraad referentie: NLVMVKDM
€2250,00 excl. BTW
During this 3-day course, you focus on deploying and managing VMware vSphere® with Kubernetes. You learn about how vSphere with Kubernetes can be used to orchestrate the delivery of Kubernetes clusters and containerized applications in a VMware vSphere® environment. Product Alignment - VMware vSphere 8
Product specificaties
Attribuut naamAttribuut waarde
LesmethodeKlassikaal (virtueel), Klassikaal (fysiek)