Data Management & Analysis

Training over gegevensbeheer, analyse en datagedreven besluitvorming.

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Introduction to Data Analysis (GK1076)

Organisaties moeten sneller en nauwkeuriger dan ooit tevoren zakelijke beslissingen nemen. Deze beslissingen baseren op gegevens en best practice-analysetechnieken en minder op buikgevoel of "de
€1595,00 excl. BTW

Data Modeling (GK2711)

In deze 3-daagse Data Modeling cursus krijgt u hands-on training in het modelleren van requirements door middel van entity relationship diagrams, supertypes en subtypes, en attributieve en
€1795,00 excl. BTW

Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst (PL-300) (M-PL300)

This course will discuss the various methods and best practices that are in line with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with PowerBI. The course will
€1645,00 excl. BTW

ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB) Fundamen (SNCMDBF)

Learn the basic skills required to effectively design, configure, populate, and maintain the health of the ServiceNow CMDB. This course has been designed to provide ServiceNow administrators,
€2540,00 excl. BTW

Secure storage for Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage (M-AZ1003)

This course is designed for students who are planning to take the Secure storage for Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage assessment, and provides a bridge between fundamental level skills and
€695,00 excl. BTW